101 in 1001

Yes, I have started a project that will last 2.742465753424658 years. It will be exciting, as long as you have DVR and can skip through the slow bits. You can view my list and progress on my Day Zero profile. Today, 8/10/10, I have started two goals:

25. Take two photographs a day for a month.
60. Comment on at least 3 different blogs every day for a month.

Today I actually took 4 photos (not counting the ones for the Photography Girls August challenge). Me and Claire's ducky had an excellent photo shoot in a Pyrex pan full of bubbles on my kitchen counter.
I also had fun with and tried out some of the trends I see a lot of these days. From left to right:
RGB Noise - I like it, kind of, nice grainy feel.
Warmth - I think I like the cool look better, which is why I chose the warm, and I am actually pretty happy with it.
B&W - Meh, still feels faux artsy to me.
Cross Process - Pretty cute, I went brighter with mine than most do, and I definitely like it better.


  1. There's nothing quite like *real* cross processing film. I haven't done that since college. Fun times...
    Love the photo shoot results though! Very nice!

  2. Brianne, thanks! I took a whole bunch of pictures and really only like these four. Which is pretty much how it always is =]
