Shush Now

Andrew and I are not married. Andrew and I have no plans of getting marred in any near future. Andrew and I are engaged, I refer to him as my fiancé. I've had people tell me we shouldn't do this, as we haven't set a wedding date. Whatevs. He asked me, I said yes, we started planning a wedding, life took precedence over a party.

We are still engaged, we still intend to marry each other one day. Right now, it's just not at the top of our priority list. We are raising/wrangling our seven month old daughter. We're trying to balance full time work and full time school, so one day we can have the careers we truly want.

You would be shocked at the amount of people who believe it is their place to tell me I am raising my daughter incorrectly because we did not dash down the aisle when we found out we were pregnant. At least, I was shocked. Shocked so many people don't know how to mind their own damn business.

I'm not just talking about members of our families, either. We knew there would be some response there, but we were prepared for that. We weren't prepared for people we barely knew to pontificate on our decisions and choices. Claire is happy and healthy, and that's all that matters to me.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! Once everyone found out I was pregnant people on my boyfriend's side of the family keep saying "so when are you going to put a ring on her finger?" and it bothers me so much. Yes I love my boyfriend and we have been together for almost 5 years but that's just a commitment I'm not ready for, especially at 18!

  2. Obviously you should have taken all that money you spent needlessly on diapers, toys, clothes, furniture, baby seats, etc and spent it on a wedding. That would have been best for Claire.
